thank you for this superb tutorial, I tested but I get the error 0x800700C1. I can see the application installing itself, moreover, it takes a little time (visible in the company portal), I checked none of the bios parameters were taken into account. Should the dell command application be installed on the workstations? THANKS

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Thank you!

In my use case, I had Dell Command Update pushed to all of the devices I tested it on, so if it isn't pushed to your devices it could be the missing link.

The detection rule in the tutorial should just be checking to see if the folder from our script gets created (this is just to make sure the script executes). So if that error code is from the intune side, then the script may be failing to run. I would double check your install command and make sure the install behavior in intune is set to 'System'. If not those things, then I would check to see if you can take your source folder and run the script directly on the machine to see if it works.

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Hello Brady

I deployed Dell Configure by Intune, it installs well, I redid my bios.intunewin and I put in dependency the Dell Configure application, despite that I am still in error, I continue to look and I will keep you informed.

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Hello again!

Something to note because I think I may have misunderstood your first message, there are two Dell Command programs (actually, a whole suite of them, but 2 biggies). Dell Command | Update (this one allows you to update dell drivers) and Dell Command | Configure (this one is for configuring BIOS settings). You may already know this, but I'm just putting it there because I told you wrong before. You should not need to push the Dell Command Configure program to your devices to change the BIOS settings. I was saying that there is a chance you would need Dell Command Update on your device, but I wasn't sure because I was pushing Dell Command Update before testing this out.

For your dependency rule, I had my install script create a folder at the end and check for this folder to ensure the script ran.

If you would like, you can email me directly with questions regarding your issue. I would be happy to help (b****@gmail.com - Note that I am going to edit this comment in a few days to keep my email off the forum)

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Thank you ! I am sending you a detailed email

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