TETA Lunch and Learn: Microsoft Admin Tool Demo with Maester, CMD.ms, & Conditional Access Documenter
3 tools you can start utilizing *right now*
This article is a companion resource to the Nov. 6, 2024 Tennessee Educational Technology Association (TETA) Lunch and Learn presentation on M365.
For more on TETA, visit TETA here.
Hat Tip to Merill Fernando @ Microsoft… he’s the creator of the 3 tools we’re going to talk about. If you don’t follow his Entra Newsletter, you won’t regret it —>
Link to the project’s page: CMD.ms
Quick shortcuts for navigating the metric crapton on Microsoft admin pages and blades.
For example: admin.cmd.ms, ex.cmd.ms, azure.cmd.ms, sp.cmd.ms, teams.cmd.ms, in.cmd.ms, one.cmd.ms, mail.cmd.ms… down to more granular like DLP (dlp.cmd.ms), eDiscovery (ediscovery.cmd.ms), and on to the downright niche: Macs in Intune (inmacos.cmd.ms), Quarantined emails (deq.cmd.ms), and hundreds more. If that isn’t speedy enough, there is also a Chrome/Edge extension.
Conditional Access Analyzer
Link to the project’s page: idPowerApp - https://idpowertoys.merill.net/ca
After clicking Generate Documentation, you get a PowerPoint that documents every CA Policy in your Tenant and groups them based on Enabled/Report-Only/Disabled. For example, here are 2 of my policies:
Full writeup: M365 Security Testing with Maester
Link to the project’s page: Maester.dev
Sample to Walk Through from a Test Tenant
How to Install Maester
This is the TL;DR command-only version. For a fuller walkthrough, visit my writeup or maester.dev
Install-Module Pester -SkipPublisherCheck -Force -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module Maester -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module Az -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -Scope CurrentUser
md maester-tests
cd maester-tests
Connect-Maester -Service All
Secure Cloud Business Application (SCuBA) Minimum Secure Configuration Baseline Documents (Scroll down to “Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace Secure Configuration Baselines”)
Securing Microsoft 365: 2nd Edition by Joe Stocker (This one is 🔥🔥🔥)
Edtechirl.com Articles: CMD.ms; Conditional Access Analyzer; M365 Security Testing with Maester